My Favorite Albums of 2023

2023 was such a great year for music! This is always my favorite post to write every year , I love looking back at all of the great art that was released in the past year and sharing some of the highlights with you. This is loosely ranked, featuring many of my all-time favorite artists, as well as some new artists I discovered this year. I have covered many of these albums in-depth throughout the year, so if you are interested in reading more about any of these, be sure to check out the links throughout the post & at the end. Enjoy! ✨ Did You Know That There's A Tunnel Under Ocean Blvd // Lana Del Rey Lana Del Rey's ninth album, Did You Know That There's A Tunnel Under Ocean Blvd , is an intimate, diaristic portrait of her life and journey so far. In the year that she released this masterpiece of an album , I had no other option but to put it first on this list. In many ways, it is her most personal release yet, as if she is writing these songs for nob...