5 Seconds of Summer // 10 Year Anniversary of their self-titled debut album + rare 2014 Record Store Day picture disc vinyl!

Simmer down, simmer down! It's hard to believe that it has already been ten years since 5 Seconds of Summer released their self-titled debut album! They have been one of my favorite bands for so many years and I have the most amazing memories attached to this music. I have loved hearing all of the ways their sound evolved and matured with each new release to follow. 5 Seconds of Summer made history as the first debut album by an Australian band to reach number 1 on the Billboard Hot 100 - what a cool accomplishment for four teenagers to achieve! Their debut album also spawned a few of the biggest hits of their career. The lead single, "She Looks So Perfect" is still among their most recognizable hits, which is also how I first discovered them too. They released a few EPs and singles prior to that song, but "She Looks So Perfect" was their first massive international hit. I was immediately hooked! It is still such a great song and will never get old for me. ...