My Favorite Albums of 2022

2022 was yet another great year for music! This list is made up of a mix of artists that are long-time favorites as well as many new discoveries across a range of genres. This is always my favorite post to write every year, I love looking back at all of the great art that was released in the past year and sharing some of the highlights with you. Several of these albums I also wrote dedicated long-form reviews for, which are linked throughout if you are interested in reading more! Harry's House // Harry Styles Harry Styles delivered yet another incredible release that easily is my favorite album of the year. "Imagine it’s a day in my house or a day in my mind. What do I go through? I’m playing fun music. I’m playing sad music. I’m playing this, I’m playing that. I have doubts. I’m feeling stuff. And it’s all mine," Harry said in an interview with Zane Lowe for Apple Music earlier this year. Harry's House was the perfect next step for Harry and is a great evolution t...